Hemp The Latest In Sustainable Housing

  Local builder James Isaacs says building homes out of hemp is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly ways.  of doing so, after starting construction on his first hemp house. Mr Isaacs runs the Belubula Hemp Homes construction business, and is currently working on a house made out of hemp on The Escort Way in Read more…

Marrickville Hemp Extension

Building with hemp is still a novelty in Australia, but interest continues to grow. This house in inner-Sydney is built using hempcrete for its low embodied energy and excellent acoustic and thermal performance. This house is opened for Sustainable House Day 2016 When Simon and Holly decided to renovate the Read more…

Byron Bay Hinterland

Australian Hemp Masonry Company has now supplied materials into 42 builds across the country. Check out this recent build ready to be externally rendered with AHMC’s hemp lime render. This artist’s studio at Wilson’s Creek in the Byron Hinterland was designed by Michael Leung and constructed by Luke Wrencher and Read more…

Marrickville Hemp Build

This build won Marrickville’s Council’s Sustainable Building Award in 2016. Designed  by Tracy Graham from Connected Design www.connecteddesign.com.au the Marrickville hempcrete house is an alteration addition to an existing single storey semi detached house in Sydney.  Acoustic requirements for aircraft noise and a shared chimney made this a challenging project. The designer wanted to Read more…